A good Exellent links

11:21 PM Alex Writer 0 Comments

Interesting facts from the world of genetics 1. Intellect is not passed from father to son. That is, if you are a genius, then your son 100% will not inherit your genes.

2. Idiocy is not passed from father to son. If you are a complete cretin, then your son will not be as stupid as you (with what we congratulate you).
3. Intellect from the father can be passed only to the daughter. And only half.
4. The man can inherit the intellect only from his mother, which she, in turn, inherited from her father.
5. The daughters of the geniuses will be exactly half as intelligent as their fathers, but their sons will be geniuses. If their father is stupid, then the daughters will be exactly half deadheaded than their fathers.
6. Therefore, brilliant women are almost non-existent, as there are no 100% idiot women. But there are a lot of male geniuses and stupid men. Hence the generation of losers, alcoholics, single mothers, as well as Nobel laureates (almost all men).
